Wednesday, July 3, 2013

The wheels on the bus

I had the pleasure of bringing Malik to school yesterday. Malik was as excited as I was, seeing that it was the first time that I'd get to ride the school bus with him. He normally would dilly dally in the morning before waking up. But yesterday, Malik took no time at all. All I had to do was to say "Wake up, honey. Mommy's riding the school bus with you" and he was in the bathroom getting ready before I could even bat an eyelash.

Here's our happy trooper.
After bringing Malik to his classroom, I stayed for a few minutes to take pictures of Malik's school projects. Here's one where the kids tell the teacher how they spent their summer.

Most of the kids remember swimming pools and going to the mall.
Here's Malik's answer. Sa totoo lang, we didn't get to take Malik anywhere nifty this summer because we were busy taking care of Izik who was just a teeny newborn. Most days we were just holed up in our room, watching TV, and waiting for the sun to go down a little so Malik could play outside. But we're happy Malik imagined he went to the forest. We didn't even know he knew what a forest was! 
This I particularly liked. Hehe
In celebration of Rizal day, the kids asked Dr. Jose Rizal questions. 

My favorite question, apart from Malik's? Chase's, of course.

On our way home Malik insisted that I not go to work the next day. His exact words were "No work tomorrow, okay?". I felt heartbroken. I wish I could spend my days like I did yesterday. But well, bills have to be paid. Taking Malik to school, fetching him, and dressing him up would have to remain an occasional privilege in the meantime.

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